Prokem Furane Mortar
Product Information
Prokem Furane 'C' is primarily a bedding and jointing mortar for fixing carbon bricks and tiles in temperate climates ( 15 to 30 degrees centigrade ). It is provided in two-component format, a Furane solution and a catalysed carbon filler powder.
Prokem Furane 'S' is primarily a bedding and jointing mortar for fixing acid-proof bricks and tiles in cooler climates ( 5 to 20 degrees centigrade ). It is provided in two-component format, a Furane solution and a catalysed mineral powder.
Typical Uses
Prokem Furane 'C' and 'S' are recommended as a jointing and bedding mortar in most applications where strong acid / alkali materials are present, in particular for general tiling / masonary work and for trenches, pits and storage areas. As Prokem Furane 'C' and 'S' are also impervious, they are ideal for fixing linings in holding vessels. Both can be used in conjunction with glass and cloth mats, to build up an in-site tank lining.
In addition to its excellent chemical resistance, Prokem Furane 'C' and 'S' are fast setting products, with impressive mechanical properties. They also offer impressive resistance against solvents and organic compounds. Both are a furfural - free composition and can be used for operating conditions up to 180 degrees centigrade.
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