Engineering Plant in Bristol
Product Used: ProCote-CR
Unfortunately for many businesses, their need for an acid resistant flooring does not become evident until it’s too late. That was the case for this engineering plant in Bristol which had a problem that was causing a caustic chemical to seep on to their bare concrete floor. The chemical damaged and ate away at the concrete over time.
This is when they consulted us for our help. Our solution was to remove all of the damaged concrete and repair it the area with our floor repair mortar back to the original level. We then followed this by applying two coats of our ProCote-CR chemical resistant coating in red. ProCote-CR offers excellent acid resistance and comes in a non-slip finish.
Chemical resistant coatings for all industries
By following this process, we not only ensured that the engineering plant floor was restored to a safe condition, but we also ensured that it was protected against future acid leaks. Prokem has applied such chemical resistant coatings to a range of businesses spanning many different industries.
If you’re experiencing similar problems then you should contact us today and we will advise on the best solution for your business. You can find out more about the technical specifications of ProCote-CR on the dedicated product page.